Submit our inquiry form.
I will confirm our availability for your date. if we are available, we can proceed to the next step!
I will reach out to schedule a time for a phone meeting..
We will jump on a call to discuss youR vision and wish list for your wedding florals.
I will design a custom proposal for you to review.
Weddings are a “work in progress” and the proposal is customizable throughout our design process.
If the proposal looks fabulous and you are ready to book your date with Hearts and Flowers Floral Design, you can move on to the next step of signing the contract and paying the $500 retainer fee.
Just a note, your date is not booked with us until we receive both the contract and retainer fee.
The $500 retainer fee is subtracted from your balance at the end of the payment process.
About 6 - 8 weeks from your wedding date, we will have a design meeting. At this time, we will finalize all details, timelines and make any adjustments to the proposal.
After this meeting, you will receive your final invoice.
Your wedding day has arrived and so will we!
Rest assured, every petal will be perfectly placed.
Follow along with us on Instagram for our latest designs and creations.